If you feel that you’ve been neglecting your lettering practice lately, this tutorial will help you to get right back into it and maybe even make you discover some new ideas for your own lettering style!
Read MoreTry this for a fun, short and sweet lettering session! I’ve filmed this little video to help you get creative, explore your lettering style and just go with it and see where it takes you.
Read MoreHello calligrafriend!
I’ve put together this blog post to help you learn and navigate your calligraphy journey. Perhaps you’ve started learning and have been feeling a bit frustrated, running into issues like ink bleeding, nib catching, inconsistent ink flow and have been thinking of giving up? Don’t just yet. It’s the natural learning process and the more issues you encounter and work through, the better and more experienced you will become!
Hello letterers, I’m so excited about this season! I know it’s only the 1st of September, but I got out all of my favourite pen colours and supplies today and thought I’ll share some of my favourites with you.
Read MoreWhen it comes to shine and shimmer, I have to admit that I’m all in for that, and I’ve done a lot of research on finding the best supplies for gold and silver lettering on dark backgrounds.
I’ve tried lots of different brush pens, here are my favourites:
In this video I'm sharing my favourite white pens for brush lettering on dark backgrounds. Have you tried lettering on some black, burgundy or navy card?
The result is just beautiful!
Dr Martins Bleedproof White is known to be the most opaque white ink for lettering, and I'll share some tips and tricks on how to mix it up to ensure your lettering looks its best!
I really enjoyed running our ‘Perfecting Connecting’ lettering challenge in our Calligraphy Beginners Facebook group.
I thought I’ll recap it here, so other people can join in and learn.
Letter connecting is one of the biggest struggles to all calligraphy newbies, and I’m here to help you get it right.
You’ll get a free brush lettering workbook, a full supply list and a daily video for guidance sharing so many useful tips and tricks - It’s completely free to join! Are you in?
Let’s get to it!
Read MoreHave you got yourself some brand new calligraphy nibs and know that they need to be treated, but don't know how?
Or maybe you started lettering straight away and realised that the ink flow isn't very good?
I’ve created a list of my favourite lettering supplies that I’ve tried over my 6 year calligraphy journey!
This is what I use every day for most of my projects, and I’m so happy to share these to improve your practicing! Experimenting with new pens, inks and paper can help you to develop your own style and have more fun and colourful projects!